Saturday, May 26, 2012

Finds and Steals

I decided to start a series of posts with my shopping finds and steals. I think everybody knows that feeling of euphoria after buying something new, no wonder the whole process is called shopping therapy.

After moving to US shopping became so affordable that it wasn't special for me anymore. It all changed when I discovered Marshall's and TjMaxx. These are stores where you can find designer clothes, bags, decor items, furniture and so much more at half the price. My favorite part of those stores is the clearance isles of course :D. That is the place where I found the $10 Ralph Lauren blazer seen here and $20 Sam Edelman shoes seen here. STEALS!!!!
Yesterday I got lucky too, I found this Daiane Gail rad bag on sale for just $20 and Diane von Furstenberg sunglasses just for $15. How crazy is that?!!! Look how much people are selling them for here and here
What do you think? I want to hear your opinions. Enjoy!


  1. cool bag! xx


  2. I love your sunnies ! what is this bag made of ? i love to shop especially on sale:)in fact that's all i have been doing I rearly pay a full price :)

    1. Me too:D I love sales!!!!
      The bag is made of antelope fur and leather.

  3. ooohh lucky you! i love to find designer pieces on sale, but that's so rare here...
    love the bag <33

  4. amazinggg bag!!
